Zung Jung: a Perspective of Mahjong History

Chapter 1 ~ Zung Jung Mahjong Scoring System (v3.2)

Section 2: Miscellaneous Rules

Due to many variations in recent mahjong rules, this section lists some standard rules for Zung Jung. (These are recommended standard rules and are not strictly mandatory for those who wish to play their house variants, although it is recommended not to temper with the first three rules.)

The winning hand

A regular hand consists of four sets (each set being a sequence, a triplet, or a kong) and a pair. A hand must conform to either a regular hand or an irregular hand (listed in category 10) in order to win. The patterns in categories 1 through 9 do not define the winning hand; a hand which satisfies a pattern requirement without conforming to a winning hand cannot win. For example, an "All Honors" hand can win only if it is a completed regular hand or a "Seven Pairs" hand.

Freedom of Count

If there are multiple ways of arranging the concealed tiles in order to compose the winning hand, the winning player may freely choose an arrangement which one feels is best for oneself, and score the hand according to that arrangement. A hand may only be scored according to one arrangement; patterns from different arrangements cannot be both counted. (For example, a hand cannot score both "Three Identical Sequences" and "Three Consecutive Triplets", nor both "Two Identical Sequences Twice" and "Seven Pairs".)

Concealed Triplet

With regards to series #4.2 "Concealed Triplets", a triplet is considered "concealed" if all three tiles are drawn from the wall (including during a self-draw win), and is "exposed" if one of the tiles is claimed (through "pong" or "win on discard") from another player's discard while two tiles are drawn from the wall.

Win with any completed hand; no "sacred discard" prohibitions

The "rule of same-turn immunity" replaces any "sacred discard" and such prohibitions. One may win whenever he has a completed hand; there are no sacred discard prohibition rules in force. Nor are there any similar prohibitions concerning pong/kong claims.

Passing the deal

The deal is passed after every hand. East never repeats the deal. (This rule helps control the length of a session.)

Dead Wall

The dead wall consists of 14 tiles; 14 tiles remain unused at the end. The 15th last tile in the wall is the "seabed" tile and is the last tile drawn from the wall. After that player discards (and if no one wins on that tile), the hand ends as no-win.


Classical "interception" rule applies in case of competing "win" claims. (The upper-and-lower-seat interaction is a standard mahjong tradition, and to read other players' tiles so as to evade the upper seat and block the lower seat should be considered a skill.)

Immediate disclosure of concealed kong

A player who declares a concealed kong must disclose all four tiles immediately for the purpose of verification.

No special privilages for Thirteen Terminals

A Thirteen Terminals hand enjoys no special privilages. It cannot rob a concealed kong, and it can be intercepted by any other hand.

Robbing a Kong considered win on discard

"Win on Kong" is considered a self-draw win. "Robbing a Kong" is considered win-on-discard. (For big hands, this affects how the payment should be split.)

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Creative Commons License
Zung Jung Mahjong Scoring System (v3.2) by Alan Kwan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Hong Kong License.